Ohio Public Records Law
Ohio Public Records Law
In addition, certain records are exempt from the Public Records Law under state or federal statutory or case law (see the Attorney General’s Ohio Sunshine Laws: An Open Government Resource Manual, commonly called the Yellow Book, for a thorough list of exemptions to the Public Records Law).
https://www.lsc.ohio.gov/documents/reference/current/membersonlybriefs/133OhioPublicRecordsLaw.pdfSection 149.43 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws
Subject to division (B) (8) of this section, upon request by any person, a public office or person responsible for public records shall make copies of the requested public record available to the requester at cost and within a reasonable period of time.
https://codes.ohio.gov/orc/149.43Public Records and Confidentiality Laws - Ohio
I. THE OHIO PUBLIC RECORDS ACT When responding to a request for records, an analysis of whether the requested records may be released, must be released or cannot be released begins with an analysis of pertinent law contained in RC Chapter 149. RC §149.011(G) sets out the definition of "records" subject to public records laws.
https://emanuals.jfs.ohio.gov/pdf/pdf-books/PublicRecordsandConfidentialityLaws.pdfPublic Records Access - Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
The Ohio Public Records Act provides: “To facilitate broader access to public records, a public office or person responsible for public records shall organize and maintain public records in a manner that they can be made available for inspection or copying in accordance with division (B) of this section.
https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/About-Ag/Public-Records-AccessOHIO’S PUBLIC RECORDS ACT – COMMON QUESTIONS
Under Ohio law, a public office may only create records that are "necessary for the adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of ... or officer, your request must be made pursuant to Ohio’s public records act, which is codified in the Ohio Revised Code at 149 ...
https://agri.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/53a06247-41ed-484d-b355-f2fdef2151eb/Ohio%27s+Public+Records+Act+-+Common+Questions.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_M1HGGIK0N0JO00QO9DDDDM3000-53a06247-41ed-484d-b355-f2fdef2151eb-mi7On53Public Records - Law - Cincinnati
Public Records In Ohio The Ohio Public Records Act is based on the idea that a working democracy can only be accomplished if citizens are able to oversee their government's operations. Therefore, the law allows anyone to request access to public records. Under the Ohio Public Records Act, a public record is any item kept by a public office that:
https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/law/public-recordsSunshine Laws - Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
Ohio’s Public Records and Open Meetings laws, collectively known as the “Sunshine Laws,” give Ohioans access to government meetings and records. The Ohio Attorney General’s Office helps public officials and citizens understand their rights and responsibilities under these laws.
https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Legal/Sunshine-LawsPublic Records - Ohio Auditor
Ohio Public Records All public offices are required to adopt a public records policy that describes how the public office will respond to public records requests. Although not required to do so, the public office may obtain guidance in developing its policy from the Model Public Records Policy developed by the Ohio Attorney General.
https://ohioauditor.gov/open/publicrecords.htmlStatutory Provisions Exempting Records from the Ohio ...
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost • Ohio Sunshine Laws 2021: An Open Government Resource Manual Page A-1. Statutory Provisions Exempting Records from the Ohio Public Records Act or Declaring Records Confidential . The chart below is designed to be a helpful tool in identifying specific statutory exemptions to the Ohio Public Records Act.
https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Files/Publications-Files/Publications-for-Legal/Sunshine-Law-Publications/Appendix-A_final.aspx2021 Ohio Sunshine Laws Manual
Readers may find the latest edition of this publication and the most updated public records and open meetings laws by visiting the following web sites. To request additional paper copies of this publication, contact: Ohio Attorney General Public Records Unit Re: Sunshine Manual Request 30 E. Broad St., 16th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215
https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Files/Publications-Files/Publications-for-Legal/Sunshine-Law-Publications/2020-Sunshine-Manual_WEBOhio Open Records Law - Ballotpedia
The Ohio Public Records Act states that "a person who believes that the Act has been violated must independently pursue a remedy, rather than asking a public official such as the Ohio Attorney General to initiate legal action on his or her behalf." Ohio government websites See also: Evaluation of Ohio county websites